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Pre-paid items


Balance sheet presentation


Time 1


Time 2





Cash outflow




Accrued assets: Pre-paid expenses


Cash inflow




Accrued liabilities: Deferred revenue




Accrued items


Balance sheet presentation


Time 1


Time 2





Revenue (other)

Cash inflow



Accrued assets: Accrued revenue


Expense (other)

Cash outflow



Accrued liabilities: Accrued expenses

Revenue should be recognized with the debit to accounts receivable or contract assets.

In contrast, "other" revenue (revenue associated with peripheral or incidental transactions) should be recognized with the debit to accrued revenue.

Also see the accounting elements page for a more detailed discussion on how to distinguish revenue, other revenue and gains.

Expenses should be recognized with the credit to accounts payable.

In contrast, "other" expenses (expenses associated with peripheral or incidental transactions) should be recognized with the credit to accrued expenses.

Also see the accounting elements page for a more detailed discussion on how to distinguish expenses, other expenses and losses.


Revenue should be recognized with a debit to accounts receivable or contract assets.

In contrast, "other" revenue (revenue associated with peripheral or incidental transactions) should be recognized with a debit accrued revenue.

Also see the accounting elements page for a more detailed discussion on how to distinguish revenue, other revenue and gains.


Expenses should be recognized with a debit to accounts payable.

In contrast, "other" expenses (expenses associated with peripheral or incidental transactions) should be recognized with a debit accrued expenses.

Also see the accounting elements page for a more detailed discussion on how to distinguish expensses, other expenees and losses.

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