One of my present preoccupation is to draw up an Excel document in which a Romanian enterprise accountant could introduce in Sheet 1 the balances and turnovers in lei (the Romanian currency) as they are presented in 2 end-of-year Romanian trial balances of the Romanian enterprise where he/she acts as accountant. In Sheet 2, I intend to transpose the Romanian data as presented in Sheet 1 into a "standard" (as made by myself) USA Chart of Accounts, on the basis of which I could draw up Sheet 3 which should contain the classified Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flow of that Romanian enterprise; the elements of these above 3 financial statements will be the basis for Sheet 4, which will contain more than 30 financial ratios (as used both in USA and internationally) calculated for that Romanian enterprise.
From the internet I have learned that you have had the same preoccupation for the Czech enterprises and not only. Furthermore, you had a real experience in USA and in the Czech Republic or other countries relative to balancing "national GAAPs" to real GAAP financial statements. My questions are the following:
1. From your past and present experience, do you think my drawing up the above Excel document is scientifically possible?
2. Has any Romanian or foreign enterprise or professional appealed to your expertise to draw up such an Excel document?
3. Supposing that the drawing up of this Excell document will imply a lot of scrupulous hard work, will it be worth drawing it up?
4. In case it is worth, what would be your advice?
Thank you for the patience of reading this message.